[“Daydreamer” by Aurora playing] Good morning. And welcome to WWDC. WWDC is an incredibly important eventto Apple, our developers and our users. It’s here that we bringsome of our biggest innovations to life. And we have not stopped innovating, doing the work that will enrichpeople’s lives for years to come. Because we’re all looking forwardto a more hopeful tomorrow. That’s why we believe it’s so importantto have WWDC this year. And while it cannot possiblyfeel the same in here without you, I can assure youthat we have a great show ahead of us.This year we’re delivering the conferencein a whole new way to all of you around the world,directly to your home. And we want to welcome youto our home here at Apple Park. I’d like to first talk to youabout two big things that are happening in the world right now. To start, I want to address the topicof racism, inequality and injustice and to recognize the pain being feltthroughout our nation, especially inour Black and Brown communities, after the senseless killingof George Floyd. And while the events of this past monthare sadly not new, they have caused us to face long-standing institutional inequalitiesand social injustices. This country was founded on the principlesof freedom and equality for all. For too many people and for too long,we haven’t lived up to those ideals. We’re inspired and moved by the passionate people around our nationand around the world who have stood up to demand change. We must all aim far higher to builda future that lives up to our ideals.This means taking action. Two weeks ago, we announced Apple’sRacial Equity and Justice Initiative with a commitmentof one hundred million dollars. Starting in the United States,and expanding over time, this initiative will challengesystemic barriers that limit opportunityfor communities of color in the critical areas of education,economic equality and criminal justice. We also announced something importantfor this community, the new Developer Entrepreneur Campfor Black developers. We want to do everything we can to fosterthe brightest lights and best ideas. At Apple, our mission has always beento make the world a better place, and we’re committedto being a force for change. Right now our world isalso battling a virus that is affectingthe daily lives of billions of people. We want to thank the dedicated peopleeverywhere, especially our health-care workers, who have made tremendous sacrificesto take care of those in need. We’ve also seen the profound impactour products have had.People are relying on them more than everto remain connected to family and friends, to do their work,to express their creativity, to be entertainedas well as to entertain others. Today the world is counting on all of us, and on the products and experiencesthat we create, to move forward. Because throughout history, great challenges have been met with greatcreativity and important breakthroughs. That’s why we’re so excitedabout this year’s conference. This is going to be truly a unique week, delivered unlike anythat we’ve done before. There will be more than a hundredengineering-led video sessions, one-on-one consultationswith Apple engineers, developer forums and so much more, delivered to you from different locationsright here at Apple Park. And this year,the conference will be available to our entire communityof 23 million developers, as well as anyone who is interested,for free. Presenting the conference in this wayallows us to be more inclusive than ever. Perhaps this will inspirethe next generation of developers. So even thoughwe can’t be together in person, in some ways we’re going to bemore together than ever.Today we’re going to pusheach of our platforms forward in some exciting and breakthrough ways. With that, let’s get startedby sending it over to Craig. Good morning. Great to have you here. As you can see, we’ve got a lot to cover,so let’s get started with iOS. Together with iPhone, iOS is central to how we navigateour lives and stay connected. And now we’re making iteven more powerful and easier to use. Our new release is iOS 14. This year we’ve spent time rethinking some of the most iconic elementsof the experience on iPhone. Now it all started here, with a carefully considered Home Screenthat has truly stood the test of time. Of course, over the years, we’ve keptthe fundamentals largely the same but carefully added featureslike folders for organizing your apps, widgets for quick information and personalized experiencespowered by on-device intelligence that serve up just the right thingat just the right moment.It’s hard to imagine iPhonewithout these features now. Well, that brings us to this year. We’re doing more on our iPhones todaythan ever before, so we’ve rethought some ofthe core elements of iOS to reflect this. Let me give you a quick peek. [“Like This Like That” byBEGINNERS & Night Panda playing] This is gonna be amazing. Let’s dig in,starting with the Home Screen. Today’s Home Screen works great,but as we get more and more apps, we can end up with this: lots and lots of pages.And we tend to forgetwhat’s beyond the first couple. Wouldn’t it be great if there were a way to organizeall of those apps without doing a thing? Well, this year we’re doing just thatwith something called the App Library. It’s a new spaceat the end of your Home Screen pages that automatically organizes all your apps in one simple and easy-to-navigate view. Let me show you. Here’s my Home Screen. Now, like you, I have muscle memory builtfor the first page or two, but when it comes to all of these pages, well, honestly, I’ve lost trackof where a lot of things are. And that’s where the App Library comes in. You can see that all of my appsare automatically organized here. In fact, now with the App Library, I actually don’t need all those pagesfor all my apps. So we created an easy wayto hide app pages. I just go into jiggle mode,tap the dots at the bottom, and check this out, I get a zoomed-out viewof all my app pages.I can simply tapto hide the pages I no longer need. Just like that. And now with those pages hidden, App Library is alwaysjust a swipe or two away. So here in App Library, getting to the appI’m looking for is really easy. Up at the top I have the Search field, and I get all my appsorganized from A to Z. Now over here on the upper leftI have Suggestions.It uses on-device intelligence to show me the appsthat I’m likely to need next. And on the right is Recently Added, giving me access to the apps that I’verecently downloaded from the App Store. And below areintelligently curated categories. So I can tap into a categorylike Apple Arcade and see all of my apps in that category. Now let’s go back. You may noticethat in each of these categories the apps I use most are right hereat the top level, so I can launch one of these directlywith just a tap. So that’s App Library. We think this is gonna make iteasier than ever to get to your apps. Next, let’s turn to Widgets. Today, widgets help you get informationat a glance. But a lot has changedsince we first introduced these. Now we have Apple Watch, where we’re ableto surface so much information on a small screenthat you wear on your wrist.Well, this year,we’re taking all that we’ve learned to create a completely reimaginedexperience for widgets. To start,they’re more beautiful and data rich. And we’re introducing different sizes, so you can choose onethat best fits your needs. Let’s take a look at them in iOS 14. So let’s swipe over to Today Viewand take a look at our new widgets. They’re just beautiful. And the new designs aremore data rich than ever. And you can seethey now come in a variety of sizes. So you can pick just the right levelof information for each one. Now we like these new widgets so much, we wanted to make themeven more accessible. So check this out. I’m just gonna tap and holdon the Weather widget, and I can drag it out of Today Viewand onto my Home Screen. And watch, as I move it around, the apps just dance out of the wayto make space for my new widget. Let’s add a second one.Just gonna tap the plushere in the upper left and grab on to Podcasts. I can drop it just like that. Now I’m gonna swipe over to page 2 hereand bring back up the Widget Gallery. The gallery is a great placeto explore widgets. Now when I tap on one, I can actually page throughall of the different sizes available. Just like this. But, you know, right now what I want to dois grab this widget up top. It’s a really special one.It’s called the Smart Stack. Just gonna tap it and drop it here. With the Smart Stack,I can easily swipe through widgets to pick just the one I wantfor the moment. But what’s really cool is that the Smart Stack canactually do this for me automatically. So in the morning,I can get my news briefing.Throughout the day,find out when I have a meeting coming up. And in the evening, I might geta summary of my activity for the day. So that’s widgets on the Home Screen. We’re excited to see how everyonewill customize them in their own way. Next, we’re also bringingPicture in Picture to iPhone. So you can access apps on your iPhone while watching videoor talking on a FaceTime call. Let me show you. So here on my Home Screen, the Smart Stackis showing me the TV widget. So I can just tap to start playing a show.Now check this out.When I swipe to go Home, the video automatically goesinto Picture in Picture right over the Home Screen. And when I launch another app, like Notes,I can keep watching. Now I can drag the pictureto another part of the screen. If I want to make it bigger,I can even pinch to zoom. And as I move between applicationsit stays with me. And what’s cool isI can also swipe it to the side, and the audio keeps playingwhen it’s off-screen.Now here on the Home ScreenI can bring it back out if I want. And I have controlsto get back to full-screen playback, or I can just tap the “X” to close it. And that’s Picture in Picture video. It’s a great wayto continue enjoying your video while tapping into everything elseyour iPhone can do for you. And that’s a quick look at the updatesto the core elements of iOS.We think these new features are gonnamake iOS even more helpful in the moment. Another iconic experiencethat’s getting a major update is Siri. As much as Siri has advancedover the years, the visual interface for interactingwith it has remained largely unchanged. When you use Siri, your iPhoneswitches to this full-screen UI, obscuring your current context. So this year, we’ve completely redesignedthe Siri experience with a new compact design. It makes tasks like launching appsincredibly seamless. For example, if you say, “Open Safari,” Siri pops up at the bottom of the screenand instantly launches the app. Or if you ask for information,like the weather, results appear at the top of the screenjust like a notification. Now this is especially great when there’s informationyou want to reference on-screen.For example, you could ask Sirito add to your grocery list. So that’s the new Siri design in iOS 14. But the UI is only part of the story. To tell you more abouthow we’re making Siri smarter than ever, I’ll hand it off to Yael Garten. Thanks, Craig. Siri’s getting smarterand even more helpful every day, and I’m really excited to sharethe latest updates with you. Siri helps you in a ton of little waysevery day: playing the morning news,ordering a coffee, getting directions, setting the alarm before going to bedand so much more. In fact, Siri’s helping so many of you with a staggering 25 billion requestseach month. And Siri’s getting more helpful every day. Siri’s always been greatfor getting information and now has over 20 times more factsthan just three years ago.For more complex questions like “How do hybrid cars work?”or “What causes seasons?”, we recently introduced answersfrom websites across the Internet, enabling Siri to help youfind even more answers. Another way Siri helps iswith communication, like sending messages. This year, you can now ask Sirito send an audio message, and Siri will start recording. This is great when you really want to havethe emotion of your voice come through. Another popular way to send messageswith your voice is using dictation. Keyboard Dictation usesthe same speech recognition as Siri. And leveragingthe power of the Neural Engine, we are now ableto run dictation on-device. This provides great accuracy and privacy. When communicating with someone in anotherlanguage, Siri can help with translations. This year we’re expandingto support many new language pairs. This is hugely popular, but we know our users wantmore than just translating phrases. They want to have entire conversations. And we believe conversationsbetween languages should feel natural and easyand have the ability to stay private.That’s why we’re introducinga new app called Translate. It is designed to be the bestand easiest-to-use app for conversations. And it can work completely off-line,keeping your conversations private. Using advanced on-device machine learningand the powerful Neural Engine, you can translate your text and voice between any combinationof these 11 languages. So I could have a conversationwith someone in Mandarin, and they could have a conversationwith someone in Russian. Just tap on the microphone and say,”What are your store hours?” [Siri reads Spanish translation] [Yael] You get backthe text and audio right away.And just turn the phone to landscapeto open conversation mode. We’ve designed a side-by-side view that’s easy for two people to knowwhich side to follow in the conversation. This mode is incredibly intuitive,with just a single microphone button because the app intelligently detectsthe language spoken and shows translationon the correct side of the screen. Translate will make communicatingbetween languages easier than ever before, connecting people in new ways. And we can’t wait for you to try it. Thanks, Yael. Next up, Messages. Messages is how many of us communicatewith people most important to us. And now we’re using it more than ever.Compared to just a year ago, we have a record number of userssending a record number of messages. And we’ve seen people use Messagesmore and more to keep in touchwith their closest groups. This year, we’re introducing a new way to stay connectedwith your most important conversations, giving you new waysto express your identity with Memoji and making big changesto how we communicate in groups. To tell you more, here’s Stacey Lysik. Thanks, Craig. First, let’s get startedwith Conversations. From the beginning, Messages was designed to make it really easyto get to your newest messages. But with so many active conversations, sometimes it can be tough to get tothe ones that are most important to you. So we are introducing a new way to let you stay connectedto your most important conversations: by letting you pin themat the top of your list so you can always get to them. And you can see messages as they come inwith a beautiful animation on the pin. Next, let’s talk about expressing yourselfwith Memoji.There are over one trillion waysto customize your identity with Memoji. In iOS 14, we’re adding even more waysto create your look with over 20 new hair and headwear styles to let you reflect your hobby, professionand personality. We’ve also added something that’seven more relevant today: face coverings. And we’re adding more age options too. My favorite way of using Memojiis with Memoji stickers. And now we havethree brand-new Memoji stickers that let you send a hug, a fist bumpor even a blush to your friends. Last, let’s chat about groups. When you’re talking to a group,sometimes there’s so much going on, it can be hard to keep trackof the conversation.So this year, we’re gonna help youbring order to the chaos. First we’re adding inline replies that let you replydirectly to a specific message. You can view repliesin the full conversation or you can view them as their own threadso you can focus in on the specific topic. To make it even more clearwho a message was meant for, we’re introducing mentions. With mentions,you can just type someone’s name to direct a message to them. And now you have the abilityto only be notified when you’re mentionedin the group conversation. And check outthe top of this conversation. We have an all-new designfor how groups appear. It lets you seeall the members of your group, where the most recently active peopleare shown largest.And, for the first time ever, you can create a unique visual identityfor your group by setting a group photo or customizing your group’s lookwith an emoji. Inside the conversation you see group members’ photosaround the image. Of course it looks great as a pin. You know who’s most recently commentedin the group because their photo will appeararound the outside of the pin. And that’s what’s coming to Messagesin iOS 14: all-new pinned conversations,fun updates to Memoji and powerful improvements to groups. Thanks, Stacey. Next, let’s take a look at featuresthat help us while we’re out and about. Now we know that life looks very differentfor many of us right now, but it won’t always be this way. And as things start to open up, we have a new set of featuresthat will help us explore the world again, starting with Maps.Apple Maps is the best way to navigateand explore the world, all while protecting your privacy. Over the past several years,we’ve added many great features, and of course we’ve beenrebuilding our map from the ground up. Our new map finished rolling outacross the US earlier this year and brought with it better navigationand far richer detail for roads, pedestrian paths,landcover and more. The new map also offersmore accurate information for places and allows us to build incredible featureslike Look Around. Maps has come a long way,and people have noticed. Just look at this quote from Fast Company. “Apple Maps has improvedby leaps and bounds and is a formidable rival to Google Maps. It’s also arguably got the better UI, and by far– by far–the better privacy policy.” We’re excited to announce we’re bringing our new mapto more countries later this year, including the UK, Ireland and Canada.In addition to the rich detailand improved accuracy, the new map serves as the foundationfor many great new features. In iOS 14, we’re adding things that will make it easierfor people to find places they love and help them get to where they’re going in ways that are betterfor the environment. To tell you more,I’ll hand it off to Meg Frost. Thanks, Craig. First, let’s talk aboutfinding great places.We have millions of peoplecoming to Maps every day to discover great new places, whether they’re planningtheir next big vacation or just looking forsomething to eat nearby. In iOS 14, the Maps team will be working withsome of the world’s most trusted brands to offer amazing Guides. Guides for great places to eat, shop, meet friends or explorein cities around the world. You can save Guidesso you can easily get back to them later, and the best part is they automaticallyupdate when new places are added, so you always havethe latest recommendations. In addition to helping youdiscover great new places, Maps helps you get therein a way that’s better for the planet. For years,Maps has made it easy to navigate using environmentally-friendly optionslike public transit and walking. With iOS 14,we’re introducing great new features to help our usersreduce their carbon footprint, and our first one isalso our most requested: It’s Cycling. We’ve built an incrediblecycling experience that helps you get around townon your bike.We’re adding a dedicated cycling optionto Maps which allows users to ride their bikealong bike lanes, paths and roads. Maps takes elevation into account to let you know if you’re in fora challenging uphill workout or a leisurely flat ride. You can also see if your routeincludes quiet or busy roads. We’ll even let you knowif you have a steep passage coming up or if you’ll need to carry your bikeup the stairs. You can also chooseto avoid stairs altogether.With iOS 14, we’re bringing cyclingto New York City, LA, the San Francisco Bay Area, along with a number of cities in Chinalike Shanghai and Beijing. And we’ll be adding many more citiesin the coming months. For environmentally conscious drivers,we’re also introducing EV routing. If you have an electric car, Maps is going to help eliminaterange anxiety. With iOS 14,Maps will track your current charge and factor in thingslike elevation and weather to automatically add charging stopsalong your route. And Maps will knowwhich type of charger works for your car, making sure to only route youto compatible stations. We’re working with a numberof manufacturers to support EV routing in their vehicles, including BMW and Ford, and we’ll be adding many morein the near future.Cities around the world are also workingto improve air quality and reduce traffic, so we’re addingcongestion and green zones to Maps to easily see where they arealong with alternate routing options. In addition, drivers in China can securely store theirlicense plate number on their iPhone, and Maps will let them know which daysthey can enter congested city centers based on that number. And those are just someof the great new features coming to Apple Maps in iOS 14, making Maps the best product to help users exploreand navigate their world. Thanks, Meg. And now, on to CarPlay, which has transformedthe driving experience for iPhone owners by being the smarter, safer wayto use the apps you love in your car. CarPlay is everywhere,and it’s incredibly popular. Here in the US,it’s available on basically every new car. And worldwide, it’s availableon over 80% of new cars sold and has quickly become the defaultin-car experience for so many people.People love CarPlay, and we getsome really passionate reactions. Joanna Stern saysit makes her life “infinitely better.” We have some great updates for iOS 14. First up, we have new wallpaper optionsperfect for the car. And we’re adding supportfor new categories of CarPlay apps: parking, EV chargingand quick food ordering. In addition to this,we’re really excited for the next step in how we’re transformingyour relationship with your car by rethinking car keys. They’ve been aroundfor over a hundred years, but they’ve become big, bulkyand ripe for reimagining. To tell you more aboutwhat we have planned, let’s go to the garagewith Emily Schubert. Thanks, Craig. I’m excited to introducea digital version of car keys. Now you can leave your keys at home and unlock and start your carwith your iPhone.And the very first car to support thiswill be the new 2021 BMW 5 Series. Let me show you how it works. It’s super simple. -It uses NFC, and you just tap to unlock.-[beeps] And I place my phone on the charging padand then push to start. [chimes] But this goes beyond just one less thingyou have to keep in your pocket. Digital keys have security benefits. They live in the Secure Elementof your iPhone, and if it goes missing, you can turn offyour keys remotely via iCloud.They’re even easier to sharethan a physical key. Copies don’t involvetrips to the dealership. And you can sharefrom wherever you are with iMessage. Let’s give Craig a key so he candrive home after we’re done here. With each key you share,you can set options, like a restricted driving profile,perfect for teen drivers. Which is tempting, but we’ll give Craig full access. [phone chimes] -[phone chimes]-Full access? Thanks, Emily. The new BMW will be availableto customers next month. In addition to adding this featureto iOS 14, we’re also enabling it in iOS 13, so customers can use their car keyseven sooner. Of course,we want this to work in any car, so we’ve been working on standardswith industry groups. And this is just the beginning. We’re working on technologythat will leverage our U1 chip, which uses Ultra Wideband technologyfor precise spatial awareness.So you’ll be able to leave your iPhonein your bag or pocket and still securelyunlock and start your car. We expect to see support for this standardstarting in new cars next year. Now, let’s turn to the App Store. Twelve years ago, we revolutionized the industrywith the launch of the App Store. Today we have so many amazing appsthat offer a rich set of experiences, we can truly saythat for everything we want to do, “There’s an app for that.” So now it’s time for us to extendthe success of the App Store and make apps available and accessiblein whole new ways. What if you could have the right appyou needed at just the right moment? Let’s look at what it would be likeif you did.[narrator]Today, no matter what you want to do, there’s an app for that. But what if you don’t have the appyou need right when you need it? Like when you need to pay for parking.Well, now there’s an App Clip for that. [car chirps] Ooh. Look, a new coffee shop. There’s an App Clip for that. Or a friend sends you a messagewith a print you like. There’s an App Clip for that. That looks nice. Looking for somewhere to eat nearby?App Clip. Very health conscious of you. Hey, there’s a scooter.Let’s take it for a spin. Yep. App Clip. Mmm. Ice cream. Wait.There isn’t one for that yet? Well, soon there could bean App Clip for that. And that. And that. And that. -And that.-[martial artist] Hi-yah! An App Clip is a small part of an app.It’s light and fast and easy to discover, so you can quickly get what you needright when you need it. Everything about App Clipsis designed for speed. They start with this cardwhich quickly pops up. And with just a tap,you can launch the App Clip. You don’t need to entercredit card numbers because App Clipscan use Apple Pay for payments. And you don’t have to manuallylog into an account because it can take advantageof Sign in with Apple.App Clips won’t clutter your Home Screen and will only stay alongas long as you need them. But you can easily launch recently usedApp Clips from the new App Library. It’s always easy to download the full app, and this makes App Clipsan easy way to discover more of what the App Store has to offer. And discovery is key. App Clips are all about getting to a partof an app at the moment you need it, so it was critical that we made themreally easy to find. App Clips can be easily discoveredand launched from the web. You can launch App Clips from Messageswhen friends share them with you. When you want to order takeoutfrom a restaurant in Maps, you can launch an App Clipright from a place card.You’ll be able to tap on NFC tags out inthe world, on things like parking meters. Or you can scan QR codes to launch App Clipsthat work with products you purchase. The best way to discover App Clips will bewith the new Apple-designed App Clip code. So when you see one, you’ll knowthat there’s an App Clip waiting for you. They incorporateboth a visual code and NFC, so you tap on them or scan them withthe camera to bring up an App Clip. App Clips will be great for businessesthat already have apps. But we want to be ableto use App Clips everywhere, including smaller spotsthat may not have their own app. So we made it possible for apps like Yelp,which support multiple businesses, to create App Clip experiencesfor each of the places they work with. Developers will create App Clipsfrom a part of an app, using Xcode and the full power of the SDK. To ensure that they launch quickly, they’ll need to beless than 10 megabytes in size. And that’s App Clips. Immediately discoverable, small in size, so they launch fast, integrated Apple Pay for easy payment, Sign in with Applefor quick and privacy-friendly login and the option to download the full appfrom the App Store when you want to keep it around.We can’t wait to see all the App Clipsdevelopers will create. And that’s iOS 14. It’s a huge release that transformsthe core experience of iPhone, with redesigned widgetsright on the Home Screen and a new way to organize your appswith the App Library. It adds incredible updatesto some of the most popular apps, with powerful improvementsto Messages and Maps, and introduces a whole new wayto tap into apps with App Clips. And next up, iPadOS. [“S.S. Luker’s Mom” by Oh Sees playing] Oh, hey, we made it. All right. Well, let’s jump right in. iPadOS builds onall the amazing features of iOS while adding unique capabilities that deliver a distinct experiencefor iPad. Like using Apple Pencil for taking notes,markup and illustration. A reimagined track pad experience that lets you interact with iPadin a whole new way. And unmatched AR experiences with ARKit and the amazing new LiDAR Scannerin iPad Pro.All of this combines to put iPadinto a class of its own. iPad excels at “every type of input” and is a “product to do anythingand everything.” Which brings us to this yearand our new release, iPadOS 14. Let’s start with experience. This year iPadOS deliversunique made-for-iPad designs that take great advantageof the iPad’s large, multi-touch display. Now iPad has always been about the apps. In the beginning, we focused ongiving the ecosystem of iPhone apps a larger canvasto deliver new and unique experiences. This quickly sparkedan entirely new set of apps, designed for iPad first, with immersive experiences that transform this magical sheet of glass into whatever you needed it to be.We’re proud of the over one million appson the App Store today designed just for iPad. With customers continuing to pushtheir iPads further than ever before, we’re extendingthe design language of iPad to make apps more streamlinedand more powerful. To give you a live lookat these enhancements, I’ll hand it over to Josh Shaffer. Thanks, Craig. Let’s take a look atsome of the enhancements to iPadOS.The first thing that you’ll notice are the same redesigned widgetsthat you saw in iOS 14. They look great on iPad as well, and they give you information at a glancewhenever you go Home. But let’s see some of the improvementsin the apps, starting with Photos. iPad is the perfect devicefor browsing your photos. Its large canvas lets you immerse yourselfin all your favorite memories. And this year, we’re making it even easierto browse and organize your photos with an all-new sidebar. With just a tap of this button,I can reveal the sidebar, with all the core functionality of the appin a single location. My photos remain front and center, but now I can quickly tap to movebetween parts of the app. The sidebar is a really powerful wayto organize your photos too. I can easily drag a photo to the sidebar and then just drop itto add it to an album. We’ve brought this sidebar to many appsacross iPadOS.Like Notes, where it provides quick and easy accessto all your folders. And Files, where we’ve consolidatednavigation into the sidebar for a streamlined new design. We’ve also streamlined the toolbars, adding new drop-down menusthat consolidate functions into a single, easy-to-access button. I can just tap to change views like this. And for even quicker access, I can just tap and drag to changethe sort order, all in a single motion. You’ll find this same approachacross other apps, like Calendar, where we’ve brought controlsinto a single toolbar at the top, providing more space for your content and a single unified place to accessall the app’s functionality. Finally, Music has been updated to take even better advantageof iPad’s large screen. The sidebar in Music makes it easyto move between views. I can quickly jump betweenthe new Listen Now and my playlists. -And once I start playing a song…-[“Caution” by The Killers playing] …I can bring up the brand-newfull-screen player, where I can see rich album art,transport controls and lyrics, -all in one single view.-[song fades] And these are justsome of the enhancements that are coming to apps in iPadOS.We’re really loving these new app designs. But there’s more, starting with Siri. The new compact Siri designthat you heard about in iOS 14 is especially useful on iPad. Results appear at the bottom right corner, allowing you to easily reference the appwhile using Siri. And we applied this same approachto other parts of the experience… like calls. Now today when you receive a callon iPad, you see this. [beeps] Whatever you were working onis suddenly completely covered with the incoming call screen. Not cool. Wouldn’t it be nicerif instead you saw this? [beeps] Well, that’s much better. Now an incoming call is presentedwith a compact notification that doesn’t take you out of context. And you can simply tap to answeror flick it away to dismiss. And this applies to all calls,including those from your iPhone or third-party VoIP apps like Skype.[rings] And of course we’re bringing thisto iOS as well. We think our iPhone customersare going to love it. Now there’s one more key experiencewe’ve redesigned for iPad this year, and that’s Search. Today Search is a full-screen experience, and sometimes you can lose trackof your context. So we’ve redesigned Searchwith a new, compact design. You can start a search from anywhere,like the Home Screen or over any app. And this makes it easyto find what you need without feeling like you’ve left the appyou’re working in. But we didn’t just redesign it. We’ve rebuilt Search from the ground upto be Universal, becoming a single destinationwhere you can start all of your searches. First, we made it better than everas an app launcher. You just start typing a few characters, and you can instantly getto where you’re going.It’s also great for finding contactsto message or call or documents. You can even search directly into appslike Keynote, Messages, Mail or Files. Or look up informationabout people or places. And it’s also a great place to startall of your web searches as well. As soon as you start typing, you get relevant suggestionsto complete your search. And you can get to your web search resultswith just a tap. And Search now makes navigatingto your favorite websites just as easy as launching an app. Just type a few letters and the top hitwill take you right to Safari. So those are some of our updatesto the iPad experience. And of course,you also get the new widgets and all the other great app enhancementsfrom iOS 14. Next, we want to push forward your abilityto express yourself creatively with improvements to Apple Pencil. Apple Pencil is a game-changing tool that turns iPad intoa professional drawing canvas, a great way to mark up and sign documents and the ultimate note-taking device. What many people love mostabout taking notes with Apple Pencil is how they can express themselvesin a free-form way.Mixing handwriting and drawings can bethe best way to capture your thoughts. Now the challenge iswhen you want to change things afterwards. Here, working with handwritingjust isn’t as easy as with typed text. Now, we sometimes take it for granted, but with typed textit’s so easy to select, copy and paste into another document, or even just make space for more text. Well, this year, we’re going to makehandwriting just as easy and just as powerful. But that’s not all. Our customers tell us that once they havean Apple Pencil in their hand, they don’t want to put it away. So this year,we’re bringing Scribble to iPad. So you can handwrite into any text field, and it will automaticallybe converted to text. To show you all of this in action, I’d like to welcome Jenny Chenfor a live demo. Thanks, Craig. I’m really excited to show yousome great new features we have for Apple Pencil and iPadOS this year. One of the great parts about taking noteswith the Apple Pencil is that it really lets you workin a free-form way.I can just start writing anywhere. And it’s not just about text. I can also express myselfwith drawings or shapes. But sometimes you want thatmore professional, cleaned-up look. So now, when I draw a simple shapeand pause at the end, it’ll automatically convertto that ideal shape. And we’re smart about it,retaining the same size and angle that you drew it at. In addition to shapes, we’ve also made huge improvementsto our handwriting recognition. So now, when I write,I can easily make a selection using the same gesturesthat I use for typed text. I can double tap to select a wordor double tap again to select a line. Thanks to our advanced,on-device machine learning, you’ll notice how we canselect the handwriting while avoiding the drawings nearby.Now that I have the selection, I can easily change the coloror move it around the document. It’s also perfectly easy for meto make space for more room to write. We think that this will make note-takingwith the Apple Pencil even better. Now, you don’t even have to put it downwhen you want to do something else. Let’s say you want to searchfor “Edison bulbs” in Safari. Using Scribble, I can just writedirectly into the text field… and it automaticallygets converted to typed text. It also works in any text field, so I can easily add a new Reminder to my shared Reminders listwith my husband. I’ve also been learning Chinese, so I want to surprise himwith some of my progress and skills. I’ll use Scratch to delete “lights.” And then I can use Scribble to write “new”and then “light fixture” in Chinese.You’ll notice how Scribble recognizesboth English and Chinese in the same line. And what’s awesome is thatwe can build on this technology to deliver other great features,like Data Detectors. We can automatically detectwhat you write, like phone numbers,so I can make a phone call. Or addresses, so I can look up directions. We can use these features togetherto do even more with your handwriting. Let’s say I wanted to use my handwritingin another app.I can easily select what I want, tap the new Copy as Textfrom the callout bar, and then paste it into an app like Pages. And it’s automatically convertedto typed text. We’re really excitedabout these awesome new features. And we think it will let you doeven more with the Apple Pencil. Thanks, Jenny. So those are the enhancements to Pencil. Just one part of an amazing release, with Scribble for handwritinginto any text field, a whole new way to workwith your handwritten notes, broad enhancements to the app experience, and of course, iPad users also benefit from the great featuresyou already saw in iOS 14 and much more thatwe didn’t have time to talk about.So that’s iOS and iPadOS. Next, let’s talk about AirPods. From the one-click setup to the automatic pairingwith all your devices to how they pause your audiowhen you take them out, people love the magical experiencethat AirPods deliver. Now we’re bringing even more magicto AirPods. To tell you all about it,here’s Mary-Ann Ionascu. Thanks, Craig. We have some amazing updatescoming to AirPods, starting with Automatic Switching. AirPods will now seamlessly movebetween your devices without you havingto manually switch them. Let’s say you just finishedlistening to a podcast and you pick up your iPad to watch a show. AirPods will magically switch over. And later you start a video conferenceon your Mac. AirPods will automatically switch again. -[ringing]-And if a phone call comes in, the audio in your AirPodswill route right back to your phone. We also have an exciting new featurecoming to AirPods Pro: spatial audio. You know the experienceof being in a movie theater with a state-of-the-artsurround sound system, one where the soundnot only comes from in front of you…-[tone pulsing]-…but also from the left, the right, behind, and even from above you? Well, we are thrilled to bring that sameimmersive experience to AirPods Pro. But it turns out it’s a lot harder to do when you only have a single earbudin each ear. So our team created advancedspatial audio algorithms for AirPods Pro that replicatethe movie theater experience. By applying directional audio filters and subtly adjusting the frequencieseach ear receives, we can place soundsvirtually anywhere in space… [high-speed vehicles passing] …creating an immersivesurround sound experience. But to truly deliver on this promise,we had to factor in real-life situations. First, people move their heads. For an authenticsurround sound experience, you need the sound field to stay fixed so the voice feels likeit’s coming from the actor and not some random point in space.So we use the accelerometerand gyroscopes in AirPods Pro to track the motion of your head, remapping the sound fieldso it stays anchored to your device, even as your head moves. And it’s not only your head that can move, but you might moveyour iPad or iPhone as well. That’s why we constantly comparethe motion data from your head and your screen to understand how they are movingin relation to each other. So if your bus turns the corneror your plane banks, the sound stays in sync. The result is a surround sound experience that keeps youin the middle of the action, no matter where you go. Spatial audio for AirPods Pro will workwith content encoded in 5.1, 7.1, and even Dolby Atmos. Thanks, Mary-Ann. I’ve been using the new spatial audio, and I think you’re allreally gonna love it. All right. Next let’s headto the Fitness Center to hear the latest on watchOS from Kevin. [“I’m Getting Tired”by Jacknife Lee playing] [song ends] Thanks, Craig.Since we launched Apple Watch, it’s completely redefinedwhat a watch can do, and this has beenincredibly meaningful work.Apple Watch not only helps youstay connected and active, it’s become an intelligent guardianof your health, enabling you to take an ECG, detect fallsand call emergency services for you. It’s impacting lives in waysthat were inconceivable five years ago. The power of Apple Watchis not only its built-in features, but how developershave personalized it for you. We introduced the App Store in watchOS 6, and there are now over 20,000watchOS apps available. These apps bring the informationyou care about most to just a glance at your watch face. We’re taking this even furtherin watchOS 7, starting with complications. Until today, an app could appear in onlyone spot at a time on a watch face. In watchOS 7 developers canenable multiple complications, making even more richly personalwatch faces. So if you like to useDawn Patrol for surfing, you can create your own surf watch, including water temperature,swell and wind speed predictions for your favorite beach. Or new parents can use Glow Baby to see nap, changing and feeding timesall on one face.While Nike Run Club can display statslike pace from your last run and your weekly run goals. We’re also bringing rich complicationsto more faces, including a fresh Chronograph face with an integrated tachymeter and an updated Extra Large face with a huge, rich complicationright in the center. And Configuring Watch Faceshas been redesigned so you can easily selectwhich information you’d like to see. As developers, with watchOS 7 you can now build your rich complicationswith native SwiftUI. While there are so many waysto configure watch faces, you may not have yet gone inand set these up for yourself yet. That’s okay. With watchOS 7 we’re making it super easyto share watch faces, so you can discover a facethat works perfectly for you. To do this,we’re introducing Face Sharing. You’ll be able to discover curated faceswith third-party apps on the App Store, or discover a new favorite watch faceright on a website, or receive watch facesdirectly from friends and family. Let’s take a look at how this works.When you see a watch face you’d like,you just press “Add Apple Watch Face.” If the watch face uses some appsthat you don’t have yet, you’ll be offered each one right hereso you can easily get them if you like. And the new face appearsright on your watch. If you’d like to share a faceyou’ve created yourself, that’s also really easy. Just long press on the face, tap “Share,” pick a contact and send. Developers can offer preconfiguredwatch faces right from their apps. You can even share watch facesacross social media. It’s a great way for the communityof Apple Watch wearers to connect and help each other discover all theamazing things Apple Watch is capable of.Next, let’s talk about Maps. Maps is great for walking, drivingand transit directions, and now in watchOS, just like in iOS 14, you can get cycling directions. You’ll see a variety of routes with information like time, distance and whether there are bike lanes. You can preview travel timeand elevation changes and navigate with turn-by-turn directionsthat are large and easy to read. Maps can direct you to dismountand walk your bike or even take the stairs to save time. You can also search for and add placesoptimized for cyclists, like bike repair shops. [chimes] Now to tell you abouthow we’re advancing Workouts, please welcome Julz Arney. Thanks, Kevin. The Workout app uses algorithmsthat are smartly tuned to track all aspects of your training. It’s one of the most used appson Apple Watch, and we’ve continued to add supportfor new workout types every year. -And in watchOS 7 we’re adding Dance.-[dance music playing] Dance is a total body workoutthat’s great for your heart. It makes you more fit and flexible,and you’re guaranteed to have fun.Whether you’re doing Hip Hop, Latin,Bollywood, or simply Cardio Dance, the Workout app now tracks some of the world’s most popularstyles of dance for fitness. Getting the most accurate credit for Dancepresented a unique challenge. Arm movements aren’t always repetitiveor synchronized with leg movements like in running and walking. The solution was to useadvanced sensor fusion. [music continues] In Dance, we combine data fromthe accelerometer and the gyroscope to detect the difference betweendancing with just your arms… just your lower body… or when you put it all togetherand dance with your entire body. Then we add in heart rate data for the most accuratecalorie burn calculations.WatchOS 7 also tracks accurate caloriesfor Core Training, those exercises for your abs and back, Functional Strength Training, a workout type that helps you get strongerand move better for everyday activities, and also Cooldowns to add on to another workout when you want to continuewith easy moves and stretches as you bring your heart rateand breathing back to normal. Of course, you can track your progressfor any of these new workouts inside the Activity app on iPhone, which is completely redesignedin watchOS 7. The app now features a new Summary tab that gives you an easy wayto see your activity history, workouts and trends,all in one seamless view. With a new focus on easy navigationand summary metrics, the app is getting a new name as well: [music continues] Fitness.Back to you, Kevin. -[record scratches]-[music ends] Thanks, Julz. Apple Watch helps you meetnot only your fitness goals, but also helps support your health with features such as Cycle Tracking,the Breathe app, and Noise notifications. And we’re going to be adding even morecapabilities this year in watchOS 7. We’d like to share a couple of themwith you today, starting with one of the most-requestedfeatures for Apple Watch: tracking your sleep. To tell you about this, over to Vera Carr. Thanks, Kevin. There are many ways to look at sleep:scores, advanced monitoring, or sleep cycle analysis. We are takinga more holistic approach to sleep by leveraging the devices you useevery day to not only track your sleep but to support you in actually meetingyour sleep duration goal. That starts with choosing not only whenyou would like to wake up in the morning, but also when you’d like to go to bed. For most of us, setting a goal is easy. But getting to bed on time,that’s the hard part. Experts say that establishinga bedtime routine helps the body transitionfrom wakefulness to sleep.So we are offering Wind Down. It can help you get to bed on timeby minimizing distractions and creating a personalized routine. Let’s look at how this works. In the evening, ahead of your bedtime, your phone can displaythe Wind Down screen to help you transition mentallybefore you go to bed. It creates a calm lock screen experienceand turns on Do Not Disturb for you. You can also set up shortcuts for simple things you may like to doto help you prepare for bed. These might includeusing your favorite meditation app or playing relaxing music. Once it’s time for bed, your screen will dim and your watchwill go into Sleep Mode, which looks like this. The screen will be off during time in bedso it won’t bother you, and a tap displays this simple face. When it’s time to wake up, you have a selection of gentleand effective alarm sounds, or a silent Taptic-only wake-up alarmso you don’t disturb your partner.Once you’re up, you’ll see a friendlygreeting easing you into the day. It also shows your battery level so you can remember to chargein the morning. Apple Watch tracks your sleep using a machine-learning modelthat senses your motion and even interprets the micro-movements caused by the rise and fallof your breath, providing signals for when you’re awakeand when you’re asleep. There’s an updated Sleep sectionin the Health app, including a view of your trends over time. Sleep Schedules, Wind Down, and Sleep Mode are also available on iPhone,without a watch, in iOS 14. We know you’ll enjoy usingyour watch throughout the day and now throughout the night. Thanks, Vera. In addition to sleep keeping you healthy, there’s another preventative-care itemthat’s so important, particularly now: handwashing.In watchOS 7, Apple Watch is the first watchto deliver automatic detection when you start washing your handsand sensing of how long you actually wash. Our approach here is usingmachine-learning models to determine motionwhich appears to be handwashing and then use audioto confirm the sound of running water or squishing soap on your hands. During this, you’ll get a little coachingto do a good job. You’ll see a countdown,along with haptics and sounds, to make sure you washas long as you’re supposed to. If you pause early,there’s a polite note to keep washing. And when you’re done,you’ll see, hear and feel it. That’s just some of what’s comingthis year in watchOS 7, including discovering and sharing faces,new workout types, sleep and handwashing detection, and other new capabilitieslike Siri language translation.And that’s Apple Watch. It’s time for you to join Craig again to talk about somethingthat’s important to all of us. Here we go! [“I’m Getting Tired”by Jacknife Lee playing] [song ends] At Apple, we believeprivacy is a fundamental human right. So we build it into our productsfrom the beginning of the design process. Privacy matters now more than ever. And because our devices containour most sensitive information, all of our product work is groundedin a set of privacy principles. First, data minimization. We use innovative technologiesand techniques to minimize the personal datawe or anyone else can access. Second, on-device intelligence. We avoid data collection by processing as much of your informationon your device as we can rather than sending it to a server. Third, security. Security protections are foundationalto everything we do in privacy. And finally, transparency and control. It helps you better understandthe data being collected so that you can make your own choicesabout how that data is used.These principles come togetheracross our products, in our hardware,our software and our services. At the end of the day, they resultin great privacy and great ease of use. A powerful example of thisis Sign in with Apple, which is designed for simplicity,security and privacy. And since we launched it last year, users have createdover 200 million accounts across a wide variety of appsand websites. And developers are seeing great usagewhen they adopt it. For example, Kayak has integrated Sign in with Apple and found that their users are nowtwo times more likely to use it than any other sign-in provider. Now, one thing we hear a lotwith Sign in with Apple is that people wish they could converttheir existing accounts to use it.So this year we’re going to enabledevelopers to let you do just that. When you upgrade, you get the ease of use and built-in securityof Sign in with Apple while keeping the accountthat you already have. This is another big yearof privacy improvements in our products. And to tell you more, here’s Katie Skinnerand Erik Neuenschwander. Thanks, Craig. First let’s talk about location. This year we’re continuing to give youeven more control. In addition to the optionof sharing your precise location, you will have the option to only shareyour approximate location with apps. We’re also making changesfor mic and camera so you always know when you’re recording.In addition to requiring your permission, this year we’re adding more visibilityfor current or recent mic or camera use. So if an app uses either one,we’ll indicate that in the status bar. [Katie] Next, let’s talk about tracking. Safari’s Intelligent Tracking Preventionhas been really successful on the web. And this year, we wanted to help youwith tracking in apps. We believe tracking should always betransparent and under your control.So moving forward, App Store policy will require apps to askbefore tracking you across apps and websitesowned by other companies. [Erik] Last, let’s talk about app privacy. Today we require that appshave a privacy policy. Wouldn’t it be great to even more quicklyand easily see a summary of an app’s privacy practicesbefore you download it? Now, where have we seensomething like that before? For food, you have nutrition labels.You can see if it’s packed with proteinor loaded with sugar, or maybe both, all before you buy it. So we thought it would be greatto have something similar for apps. We’re going to require each developerto self-report their practices. [Katie] We’ll show you what they tell us. You can see if the developer is collectinga little bit of data on you or a lot of data, or if they’re sharing datawith other companies to track you, and much more. [Erik] We’re going to put this information on product pages in the App Store. So for each app, you can seehighlights of their privacy information before you download it. And we’re going to include thisin all of our App Stores. Back over to you, Craig. Thanks, Katie and Erik. These are some of the ways we’restrengthening the privacy of our platforms and bringing new featuresto give users even more control.And one of the places whereprivacy matters most is your home. Like most of you, in the past few months I’ve spentmore time at home than I ever imagined. It’s more clear than everjust how important it is to live in a homewhere the technology just works. That brings us to some great new featureswe’re bringing to the home this year. All of these features sharea few key attributes. First, anything we develop for the homeshould be easy, from initial setup to everyday use, just like how a tap of your iPhonecan automatically configure an Apple TV. Second, home products should nevercompromise your privacy. That’s why your Siri requests usea random identifier, not your Apple ID. And finally, your devices shouldall work better together, like how AirPlay lets you sharefrom your iPhone straight to the TV.And when things are easy, privateand work together seamlessly, your home is more enjoyable, whether you’re watching TV,listening to music or getting the mostout of your smart devices. To tell you moreabout what we have in store for the home, let me pass it to Yah Cason. Thanks, Craig. Let’s start by talking aboutthe smart home. With HomeKit,we’ve given developers a robust framework to create smart home accessoriesthat are remarkably easy to set up all while being end-to-end encryptedto your Apple devices. Already there’s a rich ecosystemof devices available. But we want to make it even easierto build products that work across more homes. So we formed an alliance and partnered with Amazon, Googleand other industry leaders to define a new interoperabilitystandard for the smart home.We open-sourced HomeKit to ensure its ease of use and privacyare core to this effort. And any accessory using HomeKitor this new standard will work incredibly wellacross all your Apple devices. And you control it all in the Home app, the most secure wayto manage your smart home. Adding new devices to your homehas never been easier. Simply tap or scan to set up an accessory. And in iOS 14, after you add an accessory, the Home app will now suggestuseful automations so you can immediatelyput your new device to work for you. Automations are rulesthat set your home to autopilot, like automatically turning onyour porch lights when motion is detected or having the garage door openas you arrive home.And now when you open the Home app, you’ll see a new visual statusright up top that prioritizes the accessorieswhich most need your attention. You can easily see if you’ve lefta door unlocked or the lights on and quickly control them. Let’s take a closer look at one of the most popular categoriesof HomeKit accessories: Lights. Millions of us have already addedsmart bulbs to our homes, many of which can change color on demand. In iOS 14, we’re introducing a feature to help youget the most out of those bulbs: Adaptive lighting. Adaptive lighting automatically adjuststhe color temperature of your lights throughout the day. Turn it on to ease into the morningwith warm colors, stay focused and alert middaywith cooler ones, and wind down at nightby reducing blue light. Adaptive lighting ensuresyou get the right color at the right time. Another popular smart home categoryis cameras. With HomeKit Secure Videoyour cameras are completely private. And in iOS 14, we’re making your cameraswork even harder for you.You’ll be able to define Activity Zonesthat focus on the most important areas. This is great if you face a busy sidewalk and only want to be alerted when peopleactually walk up to your front door. Another powerful feature we’re bringingto cameras is face recognition. HomeKit cameras and video doorbells willnow provide even richer notifications, telling you who’s thereby leveraging the friends and family you’ve already tagged in your Photos app. And face recognition extends to HomePod,announcing who’s at the door. And with Apple TV, you’ll get a live viewwhenever someone rings the bell. In fact, all your HomeKit-enabled cameraswill be directly integrated with tvOS 14 so you can quickly bring them upin the new home view in Control Center. Or just ask Siri to pull up any cameraat any time. You can even take any camera full-screen, giving you a great viewof what’s going on. And we have even more coming to tvOS 14.Now let me pass it to Cindy Linto tell you about it. Thanks, Yah. Apple TV is my favorite way to unwindand enjoy entertainment with the family. With 4K, HDR, Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos, you get a theater-like experienceright in your living room, making all your movies and showslook and sound amazing. But Apple TV goes beyond video. You can accessthe entire Apple Music collection and even sing along with timed lyrics. You can playan incredible selection of games, including all the games in Apple Arcade. And we’re making gaming on Apple TVeven more personal by expanding multiuser support. Now you can instantly resume your gamesexactly where you left off.Just open Control Centerto switch between users, and you can now see your game progress,achievements and friends. And for even more fun,we’re adding support for Xbox Elite 2and Xbox Adaptive Controllers. Apple TValso helps you keep active at home with a great selection of fitness apps. And with tvOS 14, we’re gonna make your workouts,and everything you do on Apple TV, even more productiveby extending Picture in Picture across the entire Apple TV experience. So you can keep up with the newsor not miss a second of the big game. You can even have an AirPlay sessionshow up in a Picture in Picture window. And AirPlay is getting even better. Now the whole family can sharetheir stunning videos captured on iPhone in their full 4K resolution.With videos, music, games and more, Apple TV truly offers somethingfor everyone. Of course, nothing comparesto being captivated by a good story. And we’ve built a service for just that:Apple TV+. We’ve already createdan incredible lineup of Apple Originals. And you can watch them allin the Apple TV app, which is availableon your favorite Apple devices, on all major streaming boxes and many popular smart TVs. It’s already reachingover a billion screens. And it’s coming to Sony and Viziosmart TVs later this summer. Today, we’re really excitedto tell you about a new Apple TV+ Original that we’re working on. Almost 70 years ago, Isaac Asimov introduced the worldto a series of epic novels that spanned hundreds of worldsand thousands of years. Many consider it to be the bestscience-fiction series of all time. I’d like to share a sneak peekwith you now. This is Foundation. [dramatic music playing] They’re going to arrest me tomorrow.And you. It’s almost a certainty. You’re familiar with my work,psychohistory? Yes, in theory.But I don’t know what it has to do with– It’s not a theory. [Salvor] They’re worriedyou can predict the future. [whirring] [Hari]They’re worried people believe I can. [whirring] And they don’t like the future I predict. The empire will fall. Order will vanish. There’s massive events rushing to meet us. [Salvor] Only we can shorten the darkness. [music fades] Wow. I’m super excited to watch Foundationwhen it comes to Apple TV+ next year. With Apple TV, your homehas never been more entertaining.And with adaptive lighting,face recognition for cameras and these other great features, your time at homehas never been more enjoyable. Now let me hand it back to Craig. Welcome back. Now let’s talk about some big changescoming to macOS. Since its introduction, macOS has revolutionized the experienceof using a computer by combining incredible powerwith incredible ease of use. And it’s lovedby all different types of users, from families and students to creative pros, businesspeopleand, of course, software developers. And this year, we’re takingthe macOS experience you love even further. But what should we call it? Well, if you’re a student of macOS,you know this question can only be answered by Apple’slegendary crack marketing team.Their drug-fueled,minibus-driven vision quests have yielded some great names and, sadly, spawned a host of imitators. The truth is,we can’t responsibly continue to inadvertently lead our competitionto copy these methods when they clearly can’t handle the trip. So this year, we’re leaving our processshrouded in mystery and taking you straightto the glorious destination. Our next release of macOSis macOS Big Sur. macOS Big Sur introducesan entirely new design and major updates to some ofthe most essential apps on the platform. And just like its name, Big Sur brings you unmatched levelsof power and beauty. Let’s start with design, where we’re making the biggest changesince the introduction of Mac OS X. To tell you more about the philosophyand incredible craftsmanship behind the new design, here’s a short video with Alan Dye. [piano playing] At Apple, design has always beenabout great ideas.Those ideas then are developedwith this obsessive dedication to detail. If we care enough about all the detailsthat make up a product, then in the endwe will have designed an experience that really feels likethere’s no other way it could be. And the best example of thisis macOS Big Sur. Our goal was to bring even more clarityto the design of the software while retaining the Mac’spowerful capability and ease of use. We started with the simplest of elements, from the shape of a corner radiusto refinements in buttons and controls. And we brought our unified languageof symbols to the Mac, making them more consistentand easier to recognize.Depth, shading and translucency are used to create hierarchy. These new materials are rich,and they’re vibrant. They bridge light and dark. We’ve reduced visual complexityto keep the focus on users’ content. Buttons and controls appearwhen you need them, and they recede when you don’t. There’s a new wayto access system-level controls and a unified spacefor notifications and widgets. We’ve also created a new suite of sounds.They’re familiar to the Mac,but remastered and more refined. [pulses] [alert notifications chiming] We wanted consistencythroughout the ecosystem, so users can move fluidlybetween their Apple devices. But we also love that Mac iconshave a deep history and a distinct look and feel. So we’ve retainedmany of the highly crafted details and the playful elementsthat make Mac icons unique. This OS reflects an important history. It’s familiar, but it’s alsoentirely new in every detail. We love the Mac. It’s the tool we use to make all theproducts that we put out into the world. And macOS Big Sur is where it starts. [Craig] So that’s the thinkingbehind our new design. Now let me show it to youin action with a demo.As Alan said, we’ve refined some of the most iconicelements of the Mac experience. Let’s start with the Dock. It has an elegant new design that floatsalong the bottom of your desktop. And you’ll notice that we’ve createdgorgeous new app icons for all of your favorite apps. Speaking of apps,let’s take a look at the Finder. You notice it has a gorgeous newtop-to-bottom design for the sidebar, and it has a compact,space-efficient toolbar. Makes it really easyto get to all of your controls. Next, let’s take a look at Mail. You can see that Mail hasall-new glyphs in the sidebar, and you may have noticedthat we’ve brought color back as well. Now, each app uses its own key color. That same color is used for the elegantnew rounded row selection style here in the message list. Now, the toolbar makes it really easyto get to all your controls.Check out how the search bar expandsas I click on it. And, of course,other operations like filtering, they’re just a click away. Next, let’s take a look at Photos. It’s just stunning. You can get to all your albumsand media types from the sidebar, and the photo grid is backed by Metal, so animations are super smooth whether I’m scrolling, transitioning or zooming all the way inor all the way out. It’s beautiful. Now we’ve refreshed the designfor all the apps on the system, from apps like Calendar and Notes to Podcasts and Music,with its new Listen Now pane. And an all-new version of iWorkthat features a simplified toolbar. You may have noticedwe’ve also updated the menu bar. It’s now translucent and elegantly takeson the color of your desktop picture. And we’ve updated the layoutof menus as well. We’ve given all the itemsjust a little bit more room to breathe. Now, on the Mac, we love our abilityto get directly at controls, like Wi-Fi or Sound.And you can see that we’ve reworked theseto be even more useful. But we’ve gone even further this year by giving you one placeto get at all your controls. We’ve brought Control Center to the Mac. All of my controls are here,and it’s really easy to make adjustments. For instance,I can change display brightness here or I can click to dive in for more, like turning on Dark Modeor activating Night Shift.And what’s really cool isthat I can customize the menu bar with any of these controls. So, say I want one-click accessto Do Not Disturb. I can just click and drag itright into my menu bar and customize just like that. Now we’ve also reinventedNotification Center. You can access it by clicking on the timein the upper right. And as you see, we now have a single view that brings your notifications and widgetstogether all in one place. And we now grouprelated notifications together. You can easily expand themto take a closer look or clear them all out in one step.And we’re bringing our redesigned widgetsto the Mac. They’re really beautiful. And you have all-new waysto customize them. I’m just gonna click “Edit Widgets”down here at the bottom. And you can seeI have a gallery of all my widgets, and they come in a variety of sizes. I can select between them just like this. And developers can bringtheir own widgets as well, like this one here from Day One. Now adding widgets is easy. Let’s start by adding,say, the World Clock.Maybe I’ll add Notes in. And it’d be kind of coolto add my Reminders list as well. So that’s a look at Widgets,Notification Center and our all-new design in Big Sur. Next, there are exciting updatesfor some of the most-used apps on the Mac. First, let’s talk about Messages. Messages on the Mac is designed to workseamlessly with all of your devices, so your SMS and iMessage conversationsare in sync no matter what device you’re using. Now this year we’re taking Messagesto the next level with a ton of great new features. We’re introducing powerful searchto help you find what you’re looking for. We have a redesigned photo pickerto make sharing photos and videos easier.And Memoji. You can now createand edit your Memoji right on your Mac. And Memoji stickersbring personality to messages, giving you fun ways to express yourselfin all of your conversations. Messages effects helps youcelebrate special moments and get your point across. And you’re also gettingpinned conversations that are synced across devicesso you can always get to them, along with new Groups enhancements. So that’s what’s comingto Messages on Mac: powerful toolsto manage your conversations and new ways to express yourself. Next up, Maps. Apple Maps is the best wayto explore and navigate the world, whether you’re planning a trip on the Mac or using turn-by-turn directionson your iPhone. Today I’m excited to announcean all-new version of Maps for the Mac. To start,Maps features a stunning new design that makes it easy to find your way aroundusing Apple’s detailed new map.And for the first time on the Mac, Favorites like home, workor that great coffee shop on the corner are now just a click away. You can now create your own Guidesof all the places you want to visit right on your Mac. And before leaving for the airport, you can check where your gate is locatedwith indoor maps or explore your destination citywith Look Around, which is incredible on the big screen. We’ve even broughtother useful features to the Mac, like the ability to seethe progress of friends who have shared their ETA with you. And the Mac getsall the other new Maps features we just introduced in iOS 14. And that’s just a taste of what’s comingin the all-new Apple Maps on the Mac. Next let’s talk about Mac Catalyst. Catalyst gives developers a big head start in creating a Mac app from an iPad app. Take, for instance, our recent releaseof Swift Playgrounds for Mac. Catalyst gave us a big head startcreating the app, and we were ableto spend our development time crafting a great Mac experience.Today we have some improvementsto Mac Catalyst I’d like to share. This year, developers will be ableto optimize their apps to fully utilize the native resolutionof the Mac screen, providing total control of every pixel. We’ve also given developersnew capabilities, including powerful new menuand keyboard APIs and updated controlslike checkboxes and date pickers. They look greatwith the new design of macOS. In fact, we used Catalystwith the new version of Maps. And just as you’d expect, it’s a full-fledged Mac appthat runs natively and is designedin a way that’s true to the Mac. So you get multiple resizable windows,keyboard shortcuts and everything else you’d expectfrom a native Mac app. And we did the same thing for Messages. Maps and Messages jointhe great set of apps from Apple that already usethe Mac Catalyst technology.And there’s a growing listof third-party Catalyst apps available on the Mac App Store. Next… Safari. Our users love Safari for its speedy performance,power efficiency and state-of-the-art privacy protections. And it delivers all of that while making it easy to get to yourbookmarks, tabs and browsing history across all of your devices. This year, we’re buildingon Safari’s amazing performance, elegant designand pioneering privacy protections to deliver the biggest update to Safarisince it was first introduced. As you know, Safari has long beenthe world’s fastest desktop browser.This year, Safari’s performancerunning JavaScript is better than ever and continues to significantly outpaceall other major browsers. And now, when it comes to page loading,we’re even faster there too. In fact, when loadingfrequently visited websites, Safari is now on averagemore than 50% faster than Chrome. And Safari deliversthis amazing performance while continuing to deliverindustry-leading battery life. And of course,Safari is continuing to build on its pioneering track recordof protecting user privacy.Safari was the first browser to introduceprivate browsing, cookie blocking, and most recently,Intelligent Tracking Prevention. This year, we want to give our userseven more visibility into how each site they visittries to track them and the ways that Safari protects them. So now users can click onthe Privacy Report button in the toolbar when they visit a site to better understandhow that site is treating their privacy. In addition to monitoringunwanted tracking, Safari now also securely monitorsyour saved passwords to ensure that they haven’t beencompromised in a data breach. And this is also a big yearfor extensions in Safari. We’re adding supportfor the WebExtensions API so developers can easilybring over extensions that they built for other browsers.And we’re building an all-new categoryin the Mac App Store to showcase Safari extensionsso users can easily find them. Now extensions are very powerful but can introduce privacy challenges. In other browsers, extensions can accessevery page you visit, every tab you open, even everything you type. So we’re doing even more here. In Safari, you choosewhich sites each extension can work with, and you can even give them accessjust for the day, just for the website or all the time.But improved performance, power efficiency and privacy protectionsare only the start. We have a whole slewof new features this year. From a customizable start page to redesigned tabsthat are more elegant and powerful, and native translation capabilitiesbuilt right into Safari. To tell you more,I’ll hand it off to Beth Dakin. Thanks, Craig. I’m so excited to give youa tour of the brand-new Safari. When you open Safari,right away you’ll notice the new look. It’s clean and fresh. I want to show youone of my favorite new features: the customizable start page. I love it because I can make it my own.It’s easy to get tothe customization controls here in the bottom corner. We think a lot of people are gonna wantto set a background image, and there’s a beautiful galleryof curated wallpapers to choose from. You can use one of your own photos, too,and I know I want a photo of my son. I have a few really cute oneshere in the downloads. I can just drag and drop to set it.That is so perfect. You can add new sectionsto the start page too. Let’s add iCloud Tabs and Reading List. Let’s take a look. There. This is perfect. I use Reading List all the time,and now it’s so easy to get to. Another way that you can dial in Safarito suit your specific needs is with extensions. I can’t wait for you developersto bring your web extensions to Safari. I’ve gone ahead and downloadeda few web extensions to take a peek. So let’s go here to the Safari preferencesto enable them. And I’ll enable Power Thesaurusand Recipe Filter. So each of the extensionsthat I just enabled now has its own buttonhere in the toolbar. Let me show you Recipe Filter.I love this one. So this extension will searchthe web page for a recipe, and if it finds one,it will pop it up in a little card. It’s been a great accelerator for mewhen I’m building a grocery list. So the extension hasn’t done anything yetbecause I haven’t granted permission. So let me click on the toolbar button, and I’m going to allow this extensionfor one day.And when I click here, it’ll do its thing. So here we go. And there it is. So useful. Okay, so I have my personality pretty thoroughly stampedover Safari at this point. And you know,I use Safari for a lot of personal things, and Apple makes suremy private life stays private. Privacy is essential to everything we doat Apple, and it’s critical on the web. And now you can seewhat Safari is doing to protect you. If I click on theIntelligent Tracking Prevention button, I can see the number of known trackers that Safari protected me fromon this web page. I can click here to see a list of the known trackersright here in this popover. And the full privacy reportis just one click away.And that’s what we have for privacyin the new Safari. Next I’d like to talk about tabs. If you love tabs,you’re going to love the new Safari. It’s easier and more efficient than everto work with lots of tabs. So I have another window here, and right away you’ll noticethat there are icons and tabs, which makes it so easyto spot what you’re looking for. And if I open more tabs,then you’ll see more of them at once because the tabs get smallerand use the space more efficiently.If it’s a little hard to find whatyou’re looking for with this many tabs, that’s no problem. You can just hover over tabsand see a nice preview of the page. I’m ready to clean up now,and that’s easy too. I can just bring up the context menu here and close all tabs to the right.Just like that. We are so excited thatthe new Safari has built-in translation. Let me show you. So here on this website, on El Mundo, Safari has detectedthat this is not in my primary language, and it’s added the translation iconto the smart search field. I can click here,and let’s translate this page to English. It’ll happen inline. And as more content is added, that gets translated dynamically too. Those are some highlights, but there isso much more to the new Safari. Back to you, Craig.Thanks, Beth. So that’s Safari. It’s a huge release,with new ways to customize, big improvementsto your browsing experience like tabs and translation, and even stronger privacy protection to keep your browsing your business. And that’s macOS Big Sur, the biggest update to design sincethe original introduction of Mac OS X, significant updates to Messages and Maps and the biggest update to Safari ever. But these changes are only the beginning. For years now,down deep, below the surface, we’ve been workingon something truly profound. To tell you more,I’ll hand it back to Tim. Thanks, Craig. Big Sur is going to bea great release of macOS. But that’s only part of the story, because today is going to bea truly historic day for the Mac. Today we’re going to tell youabout some really big changes, how we’re going to take the Macto a whole new level.From the very beginning, the Mac redefinedthe entire computer industry. The Mac has always been about innovationand boldly pushing things forward, embracing big changes to stayat the forefront of personal computing. The Mac has hadthree major transitions in its history. The move to PowerPC, the transition to Mac OS X and the move to Intel. And now it’s timefor a huge leap forward for the Mac, because today is the day we’re announcingthat the Mac is transitioning… to our own Apple Silicon. When we make bold changes,it’s for one simple yet powerful reason: so we can make much better products. When we look ahead,we envision some amazing new products, and transitioningto our own custom silicon is what will enable usto bring them to life. At Apple, integrating hardware and softwareis fundamental to everything we do. That’s what makes our products so great. And silicon is at the heartof our hardware.So having a world-classsilicon design team is a game changer. To tell you more about Apple Silicon and how it will take Macto the next level, I’d like to send you over to Johny Srouji at one of our labsin an undisclosed location. [“I’m Getting Tired”by Jacknife Lee playing] [song ends] Welcome to our lab. We’ve been building and refiningour Apple Silicon for over a decade. The result is a scalable architecture that is custom-designedfor Apple products, and it leads the industry in featuresand performance per watt. So I’d like to tell you how we got here and what it means for the Macmoving forward. It all started with the iPhone.The iPhone demandedperformance and capabilities that were seen as impossiblein a device that small. This is where we developed our relentlessfocus on performance per watt. Generation after generation,we pushed the boundaries of technology, which enabled us to improveperformance and energy efficiency, while building advancedand industry-leading features. Our team delivered ten generationsof increasingly complex and rich designs, always improving performance. In fact, CPU performance in the iPhone has improved by over a hundred times, keeping the iPhone’s performance aheadof every other phone in the industry. Another opportunity for the teamwas the iPad. While iPhone chipscould drive our mainstream iPads, we wanted to push the iPad even further. It began with the iPad’s Retina display, which demanded a custom chip. So the team scaled our architecture and designed the most-optimized and highest-performance chippossible for the iPad. Starting with the A5X, we built a line of SoCsspecifically designed for the iPad. We doubled the iPhone’sgraphics performance through a larger GPU and a wider memory subsystem.This put the iPad in a class by itself. Compared to the very first iPad,the latest iPad Pro delivers over 1,000 times fastergraphics performance in just ten years. This is part of the reasonwhy the iPad Pro is faster than the vast majority of PC laptops. And this foreshadows how wellour architecture will scale into the Mac. Another place where we applied our focuswas the Watch. We scaled our SoC architectureto optimize performance for the device’s uniquelow-power requirements, and we built a chipperfectly suited for Apple Watch. Our SoCs enable each of these productswith unique features and industry-leading performance per watt, and it makes each of them best in class.And we do this at an enormous scale. In fact, adding all of the processorsacross these three products, we’ve shipped over two billionin just ten years. And we’ve designed and shippedbillions of additional chips that work together with our SoCs to enable our amazing products. And now we’re bringingall of that expertise and that same focusedand disciplined approach to the Mac. The first thing this will do is givethe Mac a whole new level of performance.Now, when we talk about performance,we have to talk about power, because all systems built todayare constrained by power consumption, thermals, or both. Among today’s consumer systems, desktops deliver the highest performance but consume the most power. Notebooks trade off performancefor lower power, making them portable. As you can see,normally to get more performance you have to consume more power. When you take a closer look at this chart, you realize you want to operatein the upper-left corner. You want to deliverthe highest performance at the lowest power consumption. And that’s exactlywhere we want to take the Mac. Building up on our years of experience designing the world’smost energy-efficient chips, our plan is to give the Maca much higher level of performance while at the same timeconsuming less power. So, much better performanceis reason enough to transition the Mac to Apple SoCs. But that’s just part of the story. Our scalable architecture includesmany custom technologies that when integrated with our software will bring even more innovationto the Mac.With our advanced power management, we will maximize performanceand battery life better than ever before. Our Secure Enclave will bringbest-in-class security, and our high-performance GPU is going to bring a whole new levelof graphics performance to every Mac, making them even betterfor Pro Applications and really great for games. And combined with our neural engines, our chips will make the Macan amazing platform for machine learning. And we’re bringingmany other custom technologies, such as our video-displayand image-processing engines, that will help make the Macbetter than ever before. So, what does all of this meanfor the Mac? First, we’re designing a family of SoCsspecifically for the Mac product line.Second, just like we didwith the iPhone, iPad and Watch, we’re going to bringgreat technologies to the Mac. This will give the Maca unique set of features and incredible performance. And third, we’ll havea common architecture across all of our product lines, making it far easier for developersto write and optimize software for the entire Apple ecosystem. Ultimately we knowthat bringing our SoCs to the Mac will allow us to buildmuch better products, and the Mac will takeanother huge leap forward. Now, a key advantage we have is the tight integrationof our silicon with our software. To tell you more abouthow macOS will run on Apple SoCs, here is my colleague, Craig. Thanks, Johny. Now let’s talk about the technologiesthat we’ve built into macOS Big Sur that will make the transitionto Apple Silicon smooth and seamless for both consumers and developers. These new Mac systems will be incredible, and users will want their favorite apps to take full advantage of the capabilitiesof our custom silicon.And the best way to do thatis with native apps. So of course when we updatedour apps for Big Sur, we built everything as nativefor Apple Silicon. And I’m happy to say we haveall of our own Apple apps, including our most demanding Pro Appslike Final Cut Pro and Logic Pro, up and running as native now, and they’ll be ready for customerson day one. So, how did we do this? We’re using Xcode,just like all our developers will. Everything developers needto build apps for these new chips is built into the new version of Xcode. To get started, developers just opentheir app projects and recompile.The vast majority of developerscan get their apps up and running in just a matter of days. And to deliver these apps, we’ve created Universal 2. It’s a new type of Universal binary that works on both Intel-based Macsand Macs built on Apple Silicon. So developers can tap into the nativepower and performance of our new Macs and still support Intel-based Macs, all with a single binaryfor all of their users. Some of the biggest Mac developershave already gotten started. Microsoft is hard at workon Office for the Mac. And we’ve been working with Adobe on their flagship Creative Cloud, and many of their appsare already up and running great. So let’s take a look at macOSrunning on Apple Silicon. So here we are on the desktopthat we know and love. And I’m just gonna open up About This Mac. And what you see here is that we arerunning on our Apple Development Platform. This is a system builtto support early development using the same A12Z processor currently shipping in iPad Pro.Now, I have a confession to make. This isn’t the first timeyou’ve seen macOS running here. In fact, this is the same Mac that Beth and I used to demoall the new Big Sur features earlier. And as you saw earlier, we’ve updated all of our Apple apps and they’re running great. Of course, a big partof the Mac experience is third-party apps, and we’ve been workingwith our friends at Microsoft, and they already have Officeup and running natively on our new Macs. Let’s take a look at Word. It runs great. Scrolling is super smooth. Everything you dois just super responsive.Next let’s check out Excel. Just as you’d expect,complex sheets and elements like this map all update instantly. And next let’s take a look at PowerPoint. It’s using Metal for rendering,and it performs great. For instance, check out how I can seeall the layers of my slide in 3D. The animation is perfectly fluid. Now, we’ve also been working closelywith our friends at Adobe to bring Creative Cloud to our new Macs. Here’s Lightroomrunning native on Apple Silicon. Navigating large libraries of DNG imagesis super fast, and all of Lightroom’s editing controlsare available right here. Let’s apply an adjustment to this image. Well, that’s much better. And we can apply that same editto all of these images in a single step. Looks great.Next, let me show you the appI know many of you wanna see: Photoshop. Here is a five-gigabyte Photoshop fileby photographer Stephen Wilkes. Now this is a heavy-duty documentwith lots of layers. Now let’s add one more bird in there. Not totally comfortable with the level ofsocial distancing, but let’s keep going. And let’s check outhow smooth the animation is as I zoom out.Wow. Beautiful. Finally, let’s turn toone of our most sophisticated apps: Final Cut Pro. Here it is running on Apple Siliconfor the first time. Let’s play back some 4K video. As you can see, playback is super smooth. And all your filters are here,and you can apply them in real time. Let’s try some color correction. And I can even addanimated titles and lens flare… all during live playback. And Final Cut takes advantage of the unique capabilitiesof the Apple Neural Engine with a new feature that analyzes videoand intelligently crops it to keep the most important actionin the frame. But that’s not all.Final Cut fully exploitsthe system’s multicore architecture to let us play back not just one or two,but three streams of full-resolution 4K ProRes,all on an A12Z processor. Amazing. So that’s a first lookat Universal apps on Apple Silicon. We’re really excited to seeso much great work on native apps. These apps even get more amazingwhen they’re built to take advantage of the Silicon’s powerful capabilities. Like its incredibleCPU and graphics performance, a unified memory architectureand the Neural Engine which acceleratesadvanced machine-learning tasks. The transition to Apple Siliconis also great for developers who’ve already optimized their appsfor other Apple platforms. The shared architectureacross our products means that their codewill absolutely sing on our new Macs. And there’s even more to the story.We’re doing some really important things to make this transitionseamless for our users. Now, while we expect most developerswill go native immediately, we wanna make sure that userscan run all of their apps on day one, even if some appshaven’t yet been updated. Now, we’ve been down this road before. When we transitionedfrom PowerPC to Intel processors, a cornerstone of that transitionwas Rosetta, a technology that makes it possibleto run PowerPC apps on Intel-based Macs. macOS Big Sur will includea new version of Rosetta, Rosetta 2. Rosetta 2 automaticallytranslates your existing Mac apps so they work on new Macswith Apple Silicon. And this time Rosetta is even faster,more powerful and more compatible.It translates the appswhen you install them, so they can launch immediatelyand be instantly responsive. And Rosetta 2 can alsotranslate code on the fly when needed, like for web browsers with just-in-timeJavaScript compilers or for Java code. It even handles the most complexPro Apps and their plug-ins. Rosetta 2 is transparent to users,and the performance is amazing. We’re also introducing new Virtualizationtechnologies in macOS Big Sur. So, for developers who wanna runother environments like Linux or tools like Docker, we have you covered. When you putall of these technologies together, Universal, Rosetta and Virtualization, you have a system that can runan amazing diversity of apps. To show you how this all comes together,I’ll hand it over to Andreas Wendker. Thanks, Craig. Let’s take a look at some existing appsrunning under Rosetta. Rosetta, of course, works great withall sorts of apps you use every day. But for our first demo, I’d like toshow you something a bit more challenging.This is Maya, the powerful animationand modeling software running great here on Apple Silicon. I already have a model open that consistsof over six million polygons and, as you can see,I can fluidly move around in this scene. So let’s make it more challengingand bring in textures and shaders as well. And still, everything is incredibly fluid. So Rosetta works great,and the performance is simply fantastic. But Rosetta isn’t just for apps. It also works amazingly well with games. I can even use a game controller. This is Shadow of the Tomb Raider, a high-end AAA gamethat’s using our Metal APIs. I downloaded it directly fromthe Mac App Store, so it’s completely unmodified, and it is absolutely beautiful. Let me jump into the water. You can seesome of the lighting effects here. And as I follow the path,you can see the game is responsive, it’s smooth, and the best part is, you’re runningthe 1080p as a translated app and an emulation.So these new Macs, they are fast. You can seesome more of the lighting effects here. It’s awesome what Rosetta can dowith existing games. Now, as Craig mentioned, many of our usersrely on apps from other environments. So let me bring up a Linux VMin Parallels Desktop. You can see the graphical user interfacedesigned for Linux here. But, of course, many developerslike to use Linux for hosting servers. So let me dive down to the command lineand launch in Apache Web Server. And now I can simply bring up Safari and browse the website of the serverI just launched in the Linux VM. Here it is. Now I want to show you one moretype of app to run on these new Macs that we haven’t even told you about yet, and that is iPhone and iPad apps. Since they’ve been builtto run on the same Apple Silicon that we’re using on our new Macs, they will run natively,completely unmodified, on the new Macs as well. Let me show you a few. This here is one of my favorite games,Monument Valley 2. It’s fun to play here on the new Mac.And if I want to catch up on myguitar lessons, I can use Fender Play. [guitar plays] Or if I want to relaxat the end of the day a little bit, I can bring up the Calm app. And that was just a quick lookat Rosetta, Virtualization and support for iPhone and iPad apps,giving users amazing versatility for running apps and other environmentswith macOS on Apple Silicon. Back to you, Craig. Thanks, Andreas. As you saw, Macs built with Apple Silicon will be ableto run iPhone and iPad apps directly. Starting day one, users can downloadthese apps right from the Mac App Store, and most apps will just workwith no changes from the developer. With everything we’re doing, the range of apps that userswill be able to run on these new Macs is truly unprecedented. Together, we have all the technologies inplace to make this an amazing transition. The vast majority of Mac apps can be recompiled as Universalin a few days, so users can have fast, native apps.Rosetta 2 runs existing Mac apps, our Virtualization technologymakes it easier than ever to bring other environments,like Linux, to the Mac, and Mac users can, for the first time,run iOS and iPadOS apps directly, tapping intothe world’s most vital app ecosystem. Now, we know our Mac developers will beeager to get started on this new platform. So to get them going right away,we’re launching a Quick Start Program. The focus of the Quick Start Program is to enable developersto make their apps Universal and take advantageof all the capabilities of Apple Silicon. Developers will have access todocumentation and sample code, forums on developer.apple.com, priority DTS support incidents,and access to labs around the world. This program also includesnew Developer Transition Kit hardware so developers can get goingeven before we ship production systems.The DTK hardwaretakes the form of a Mac mini, but one with an A12Z SoC inside. It has desktop specs,including 16 gigabytes of memory, a 512-gig SSD,and a complement of Mac I/O ports. Most significantly, it will include the macOS Big Sur developer betaand Xcode tools. Developers will be able to applyto the program at developer.apple.com today. We will be shipping units outstarting this week so you can get to work. So that’s how macOS Big Suris paving the way for a smooth transition to Apple Silicon. This year, we’re elevating the Macto a whole new level. And it’s an incredible opportunityfor developers. I can’t wait to see what you all create, and I can’t wait untilwe can all be together in person again. And now, back to Tim. Thank you, Craig, and thank you, Johny. It truly is a historic day for the Mac. Our vision for the Machas always been about embracing breakthrough innovationand having the courage to make bold changes. Every time we’ve done this, the Machas come out stronger and more capable.And I have never been more confident about the future of the Macthan I am today. So, what’s the timelinefor this transition? Well, for developers, it begins this week withthe valuable information delivered at this conference as well asapplying for the Quick Start Program. And for the customers, we expect to ship our first Mac withApple Silicon by the end of this year, and we expect the transitionto take about two years. We plan to continue to support and releasenew versions of macOS for Intel-based Macs for years to come. In fact, we have some new Intel-based Macsin the pipeline that we’re really excited about. What a huge leap forward for the Macand for Apple. Apple Silicon will bringamazing technologies, industry-leading performance, and a common architectureacross all of our products. What an incredible day of announcements. As you’ve seen,we haven’t stopped innovating. We pushed all of our platforms forwardin some amazing new ways. Our OS releases will be availableas developer betas today.And each of them will have a public beta,including watchOS for the very first time, starting next month. And all of this great software will beavailable to our customers this fall. We hope you’ve enjoyedthis very special keynote and that you’re readyfor the big week ahead, with over 100engineering-led video sessions, one-on-one consultationswith Apple engineers, and so much more. We can’t waitto start working with all of you and watch you dothe best work of your lives.At Apple, we’ve always drawn strength from the diversity of our global community because we truly believewhen we all work together, we can change the world for the better. Thanks to you all for joining us. This has been such a big day, and it’s only the beginningof a huge week to come. So let’s have a great WWDC. [“Daydreamer” by Aurora playing] [song fades].
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